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Ego vs. Pride

Firstly, I must say that all praises belong to the creator of the universe through who all understanding comes... God is Love.....................

Well , outside of the obvious difference in spelling and number of letters used to spell each word, many find it difficult to distinguish between the two. Many persons often misuse both words when referring to a persons seeming overconfidence in themselves. The two also gets mixed by individuals in reference to their behavior, misrepresenting one for the other.

So lets look at the two and see how they fit into the scope of things:

Ego speaks to that part of ones self that does not allow for rationalisation, compassion, understanding nor gives chances.

Pride speaks to a persons mannerly, timely and concise approach to all task and also embodies one's confidence in how well they do what they do.

Does this make sense to you?

Well put it this way, a journalist writes a story that took him weeks to do. After it is read by the editor, it is realised that there are some serious gaps in the story and as a result of that, cannot be published until the obvious errors are amended. The editor goes back to the journalist with his findings and point out the errors to him. The journalist is upset because he spent long hours writing this article and he truly believes that this is the best piece of work that he has ever produced. Pride or Ego........Answer....Ego......

The other side of the coin sees the journalist being given a story to do. He makes sure that he researches all areas that he is uncertain about, ask another colleague to proof read his first story and after hearing the criticisms, goes back to the drawing board and applies the recommendations of his colleague before submitting it to the editor. Upon his submission of his final article, the editor is extremely pleased with what he has produced........Pride or Ego.....Answer......Pride...

A lot of us are out here being driven by our Ego. It does not allow us to take corrections, it does not leave room for introspection and we continue to think that we are right about everything. For me, this is the blindness that was spoken to in St. Johns 9 when Jesus proceeded to open the eye of the blind mad with the mud and the spit. What do I mean? Well, before we are able to see things for what they truly are, we must first combine the mud (The negative situation that you have been led in by your ego) with the spit ( the negative things people will say about you at that time) and together, you should be able to see things for what they really are. This process should allow you to start seeing the reasons as oppose to the means.

I had to learn that no one can stand in your way except you. No one can stop you from achieving what you will except you. It is always us that become our own enemies and because it is easier, we blame others for our choices.

Today, let us get rid of our egos and take pride in everything that we do....

Peace Love and Joy...

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