A lot of times, we find ourselves questioning our purpose and our ability to accomplish all that we say we want to accomplish. We spend so much time wondering if we will ever make it, not realising that that energy that we use to fuel uncertainty, takes away from the energy we need to fuel belief. I have done so much research on many champions across the sporting area, in the world activism, great inventors and within other areas that birth champions. The single common factor that I have always noted is that they all seem supremely confident that they have what it takes to be grate before they achieve greatness.
Don't think that my question is just for you, it is also for me since in my mind, I have some amazing talents, yet, I have not been able to live up to my true potential. I will spend hours and hours trying to figure out what it is am doing wrong that is preventing me from being the best me. Failing to realise that all that time I spend doing that, is time that could have been spending
focusing on the things I have been doing right and do them better.
The other day during my meditation, a thought came to me; it was me telling myself that instead of spending so much time, using up so much energy to study people who have lived their life their way already, I needed to spend more time studying me, focusing on myself simply because whatever you study or practice to do, consistently, you become good at and I needed to become better at being me. I needed to follow my own path as oppose to walking the path that others have walked.
Why though has it taken me so long to realise this simple truth? does it have anything to do with how I was brought up? Does it have anything to do with how I was socialised? Am I the only person who is waking up to themselves? Hmmm....Here it is that I have already diagnosed the problem, identified the solution but still find more doubtful questions to ask myself.
I leave you with this quote from one of the world's greatest poets Maya Angelou:
' Success is liking yourself, liking what you do and liking how we do it'.
If those words are true, if we learn to appreciate all that we have accomplished thus far in our humble lives, then we are already a success, we are already great so the answer is Yes!!! We all have what it takes.............